Print Pro DTF & DTF Mini Environment Options

Last updated: March 27, 2024
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About Print Pro Environments

The Print Pro DTF Environments are used to select the resolution and an associated collection of presets for use to set up & print a layout. The different presets, at various resolutions, are for working with different types of designs and color profiles, and can be selected (within a given products available options) based on quality, speed, and cost requirements.

The below video provides an overview of Environment types and the following article provides details about the intended use case for each type of Print Pro DTF Environment used with the OmniPrint’s family of DTF systems.

Your OmniPrint DTF system’s Print Pro DTF Environments may differ from those listed below. You can download and install the latest Environments file for your model from the related knowledge base article link at the bottom of this page.

Environment Resolutions & Options

Environment selection begins with determining the resolution you want to print at. Depending on your design and garment color, you may want to also use one of the optional modified versions for your preferred resolution.

The use cases for the different modifier options will be listed below the base resolutions.

720 x 1800

This resolution of Environment is used when print speed, low production cost, and high volume output are most important. 720 x 2400 or 720 x 3600 resolution Environments are better suited for printing demanding designs with intricate details that need to be reproduced as accurately as possible.

720 x 2400

This resolution of Environment can be considered the base environment we recommend for printing on light or medium-color garments. Color accuracy is optimized rather than vibrancy. This Environment is recommended for all sorts of designs, including single-color text, muted tones, or any prints where details aren’t as important as printing speed, low production cost, and high volume output.

720 x 3600

This resolution of Environment is for use when printing more intricate designs with the entire color range of garments where quality and fine detail is preferred over production speed, despite the slightly higher ink cost.

Full Underbase option

A full coat of underbase is applied, even on black parts of the image. Usually only a thin coat of white underbase will be printed on black parts of the image as the black and white inks may interact with each other causing undesirable results.

This environment is only for edge cases and not to be used except for when black ink on the image dries before powder is applied to it, which makes it difficult for it to adhere to a garment. This environment should only be used if you are personally doing the film transfers on to the garments and it is not recommended to ship out prints to customers using this environment as we have seen issues with black & white ink interacting and causing issues with separation from film & ink bubbling.

Light Garment option

This option is designed for white or light garments with a lighter coat of white underbase.

Black Garment option

This option is strictly for use when it is known that the resulting print will be transferred to a black shirt. This Black Garment option prints no ink for areas of the design that are pure black (RGB value of ‘000’). Instead, the black shirt color will provide the black color for pure black content in the design.

This option is recommended only for cases where the print will be transferred to a black shirt before delivery to your customer. It is not recommended when shipping designs on film to clients.

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