OmniDTF & DTF Mini Software Setup

Last updated: April 10, 2024
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There are three software elements that we work with when setting up a PC for use with the OmniDTF and Omni DTF Mini systems:

  1. The Windows Control Panel Ethernet adapter configuration.
  2. The OmniDTF & DTF Mini UI control software installation & configuration.
  3. The Print Pro DTF & DTF Mini RIP software installation & configuration.

The following videos provide step-by-step demonstrations of each of these, plus how to update the Environments (a collection of print type “presets”) within the Print Pro DTF software. The installation & configuration processes are identical for both models.

Windows Ethernet Adapter Configuration

Use Windows Control Panel to set the IP address and Subnet mask on the PC that will be used to control the system.

UI Software Installation & Configuration

See the below video for details of installing the OmniDTF & DTF Mini UI control software (including the Microsoft Visual C++ runtime libraries, if needed).

Print Pro and HASP Key Driver Installation

See the below video for details of installing the Print Pro DTF & DTF Mini RIP software and its companion HASP (Sentinel Key “dongle”) driver.

When prompted for the CD code enter:


When prompted for the Serial number enter the following letters but replace the “####” symbols with the four digits on your Print Pro dongle and thumb drive:


Configuration of New Print Pro DTF Installations

See the below video for details of configuring a new Print Pro installation, including:

  • Job Spacings for the Layout feature.
  • Printer Name Mapping, including setting the Physical Printer Port to the “TCP/IP RAW” option, selecting the Printer Model of “OmniDTF”, and assigning a Printer Name of your choice.
  • Entering ink costs into the Cost Settings feature.

Updating the Print Pro DTF Environments

How to identify Print Pro DTF’s currently installed Environments and install updated Environments, if needed.

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