Frequently Asked Questions

General 4 questions
  • Why is my printer missing in DirectRip?

    Windows 11 updates have caused some Freejet customers’ DirectRip installations to lose access to the R2400 device driver.

    See the Printer Missing in DirectRip after Windows 11 Update article for a set of preliminary checks and to download a utility that will resolve the Windows Update issue.

  • How do I stop my Error & Ink lights from flashing back and forth?

    When these two lights are flashing back and forth, with one on while the other is off, we need to reset the waste ink pad counter before we can continue printing.

  • How do I make my image have more pop?

    Color vibrancy is mainly determined by two factors: pretreatment and color strength.

    If a garment is not properly pretreated then too much ink may be absorbed into the fabric. When working with unfamiliar garments, it’s often necessary to experiment to find the proper pretreatment amounts.

    Increasing color strength by a few percentage points can also add more vibrancy to colors.
    Color Strength in DirectRip toolbar

    However, adding too much ink by boosting the color strength may cause the ink to bleed so it’s best to optimize pretreatment before boosting color strength.

  • When should I refill my Freejet printer’s ink bottles?

    Since we know that the Freejet printer’s ‘Ink’ light does not indicate that we need to refill the printer’s ink bottles, how do we know when they should be filled?

    The chromed bracket holding the ink bottles on the rear of the printer has a vertical slot cut out at each bottle position, so we can visually monitor the ink level for each color channel. We want to make sure that the ink level in each bottle is at least halfway up the distance of that slot (represented by the red lines in the below image), and recommend checking the levels at the beginning of each printing day and refilling at this time, as needed.

    Be careful not to overfill the ink bottles, as doing so can cause leakage of ink into the body of the printer, through the outer sheath that carries the ink tube into the printer’s chassis. Only fill each bottle until the ink level reaches the top of the bracket — no higher than that.

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